Securely Share Supply Chain Data
Enhance collaboration and communication through data integration

With just-in-time and just-in-sequence deliveries ruling the automotive landscape, manufacturers can’t afford any missteps. Data holds the tremendous power to help supply chain partners mitigate potential problems before they occur.
But how can manufacturers harness that data, especially in a smart-technology-driven world where the speed, accuracy and sheer amount of data multiplies daily?
Connectivity is the answer. When done properly, connectivity enables supply chain partners to access and select the most accurate, relevant information and make data-driven decisions to improve customer service, increase optimization and enhance reliability.
To help provide that connectivity, Penske Logistics developed its ClearChain®Technology Suite. It helps customers track and trace products, minimize disruptions, and collect and analyze data. ClearChain allows Penske to generate and provide data to its customers. It also easily integrates with shippers’ systems to pull their information, thereby increasing collaboration and communication.
"ClearChain takes information and organizes it. From there, you can plug and play all you want. You have the data. It is there. It is organized. It is comprehensive. Now you can strategically use it."
— Andy Moses, senior vice president of solutions and sales strategy, Penske Logistics
Quickly Identify Efficiencies and Mitigate Problems
ClearChain offers shippers multiple efficiencies. By putting customers’ data into an organized, easily accessible and centralized repository, ClearChain gives Penske the visibility to help shippers drive efficiency and cut costs. It also can help shippers mitigate potential disruptions.
"Once you’ve turned data into information, you can turn that into knowledge. You take into consideration not just transportation of goods, but inventory levels. You can be predictive, understanding well in advance consumer needs or challenges that occur in the supply chain."
— Andy Moses
ClearChain’s real-time data exchange links logistics operations directly with the shipper’s systems. And, its various applications ensure supply chain parties exchange precise data that helps shippers, transportation providers and customers make strategic and tactical decisions.
While those decisions can vary, the information that drives them all flows from a platform that offers a high-level, connected view of the supply chain as well as granular specifics. In automotive manufacturing, information can help users sync deliveries with their production schedules.
Close All ‘Black Holes’ in the Tracking Process
Any number of things can go wrong within the supply chain. ClearChain provides real-time status updates to supply chain managers. GPS tracking of carriers enables Penske to pinpoint a carrier’s location. If a carrier doesn’t have an onboard tracking system, Penske can connect with the drivers’ cell phone, closing all “black holes” in the tracking process.
"To thrive, you have to be sharp and instantly know where your products are within the supply chain. That is what gives you a competitive edge."
— Andy Moses
Connectivity drives supply chain success. ClearChain – and the people and processes behind it – allows customers to get fully informed with the touch of a button. That knowledge results in better service and results.