Derive Big Value from Your Big Data
Cut through the clutter with a powerful, organized data repository

Data-driven decision making rules the automotive industry. Data streams in from multiple sources. And while all that data is powerful, if it can’t be quickly organized and utilized, it’s just noise.
To truly use data to drive decision-making, businesses need a powerful data-management tool; one that will provide a single, high-level and comprehensive view of overall operations, allowing businesses to know their true total transportation spend, along with inventory and administration costs.
To help manage data, enhance visibility and streamline the supply chain, Penske Logistics developed the ClearChain®Technology Suite. This solution, in partnership with Penske experience and strong partner relationships, produces strategic information that can drive performance.
“ClearChain takes information and organizes it. From there, you can plug and play all you want. You have the data. It is there. It is organized. It is comprehensive. Now, you can strategically use it.”
—Dave Bushée, senior vice president of logistics technology, Penske Logistics
Identify the Right Metrics
Transportation management systems (TMS) provide a wealth of information, but businesses sometimes struggle with identifying the best data metrics to track. It can be overwhelming. Yet the answer likely lies within that vast network of inbound information your business collects.
Penske’s multi-faceted approach helps to drive efficiency. For example, looking at which warehouses stock which products can uncover opportunities for savings and drive overall supply chain design and decision-making. It also can allow providers to optimize routes, reduce miles and save resources.
Penske Logistics’ load planners use advanced algorithms to look at data and determine the optimal transportation mode. They can also work with shippers and carriers to optimize shipments, reduce transportation costs, improve asset utilization and provide better service.
Understand the What-Ifs
Businesses today must drive out costs and improve customer service. But achieving this level of efficiency isn’t easy. Quality data enables Penske to help customers run what-if scenarios, and study the network to see whether a proposed change will produce a specific result, and therefore drive additional optimization.
Quality supply chain data can also help businesses meet sustainability requirements, which are becoming increasingly important within the supply chain. Nearly any operation can reduce its carbon footprint by consistently and continuously seeking shipment planning options, consolidation opportunities and mode shift capabilities. Penske solutions help customers identify inefficiencies, uncover improvements, remove waste and cut costs.
Leverage Flexibility to Create Solid Data-Based Strategies
As the amount of available data increases, shippers and their logistics partners must be able to take the information and make it relevant. This can be challenging. It’s difficult to connect multiple data systems and extract data from those systems. It’s also challenging because, as businesses evolve, so too will their metrics requirements.
To meet the challenge, Penske solutions provide flexibility in generating metrics. In addition, Penske Logistics can help customers create a forward-thinking data collection strategy that will allow businesses to keep collecting data (even as their metrics change) and draw on it to ensure optimum performance. At every step, Penske and our customers work together to transform data into usable knowledge.
“Once you’ve turned data into information, you can turn that into knowledge.”
—Andy Moses, senior vice president of solutions and sales strategy for Penske Logistics